Dynamics CRM on-premises – How authentication works

Applies to: Dynamics CRM 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016 and Dynamics 365 on-premises

In a Dynamics CRM on-premises deployment, you have to decide, which authentication type you choose: Windows authentication or claims-based authentication.
To illustrate how it works, there are old blog articles from Dynamics CRM 2011, there are very helpful for current on-premises deployments…

Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On

What is Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On? Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On (Azure AD Seamless SSO) automatically signs users in when they are on their corporate devices connected to your corporate network. When enabled, users don’t need to type in their passwords to sign in to Azure AD, and usually, even type in […]

User sign-in with Azure Active Directory Pass-through Authentication

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Pass-through Authentication allows your users to sign in to both on-premises and cloud-based applications using the same passwords. This feature provides your users a better experience – one less password to remember, and reduces IT helpdesk costs because your users are less likely to forget how to sign in. When […]

Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On: How to & Quickstart

Requirements: You use version 1.1.654.0 or later of Azure AD Connect (Check latest version here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47594) Recommendation: Allow outgoing connections to internet using port tcp 443. This is the best practice to make the connection up and running without risk of issues with changing URL. Otherwise: If your firewall or proxy allows DNS whitelisting, whitelist […]

Upcoming improvements to the Azure AD sign-in experience – coming in June 2018

I’d like to give you an early heads up on some visual design updates that are coming to the Azure AD sign-in experience. Microsoft inform about changes in sign-in experience related to online sign-in (Azure Ad sign-in). This is also used for sign-in to an Dynamics 365 environment. Here is an overview about the changes […]